fredag 27. august 2010

The Butterfly Circus

Last Friday we watched a short movie called "The Butterfly circus" in class. The movie takes place rural part of the U.S. during the 1920s and follows Will who works in a circus. Will has no arms or legs and is just a part of an act of the circus in which he is displayed as "perversion of nature". A member of audience approaches Will, but Will just spits in the mans face. Surprisingly the man is the one who apologizes. It then revealed that the man was the director of "The Butterfly Circus".

The next day the will escaped the circus and wants to join "The Butterfly Circus" The director will let Will travel with the circus, but he won't let Will the circus as an act until he has something to show for. One day Will nearly drowns in a river, but miraculously manages to stay afloat. He eventually learns to swim and can finally join the circus.

The movie is story of hope. The hope that everyone can accomplish anything no matter what physical challenges you may have.

1 kommentar:

  1. Yes it is about hope and making the most of your opportunities. The greater the struggle the greater the challenge they say in the movie. He certainly had had his share of struggle.
