torsdag 24. mars 2011

The Swansong of Dirty Harry

Last week we saw "Gran Torino" in class. Taking double shifts as director and main character, Clint Eastwood guides us through the everyday of any average pensioner. At first the film seems like a late sequel to "Dirty Harry". With Harry Callahan as a retired industrial worker in a neighborhood ravaged by crime.

We join the action right after Walt (Eastwood) has buried his wife. The disgust on Walt's face is so apparent, when his granddaughter enters the chapel showing a piercing in her bellybutton. It doesn't take long to see that Walt is a bitter old man. He worked on a Ford plant for decades, his friends are dead or just as bitter as him. One day this changes. A Hmong family moves in next door. Their family values compared to the conservative mindset of Walt, leads to an inevitable culture clash.

The son in the Hmong family, Tao, is reluctantly recruited into a local street gang. For his initiation he is steal Walt's titular 1972 Ford Gran Torino, but the plan is foiled by Walt. As punishment the Family sends Tao over to work for Walt. Reluctant at first, Walt accepts. Their relationship evolves over a few weeks and Walt becomes attached to the Hmong family. The street gang doesn't take kindly to Tao's new way of working and making a living. After the gang tries to murder Tao, they set out for revenge.

You can compare "Gran Torino" the British film "Harry Brown". They both follow the same basic plot line; old bitter man, cleaning up the neighborhood (with guns). "Gran Torino" veers off this path and leads to Walt's redemption. "Harry Brown" on the other hand follows through leading to violence, torture and every other far-right violent fantasies.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Interesting comparison of two different movies in the end. Never get to know if you liked the movie or not, but it doesn't really matter. You touch some of the topics raised in the movie, although you didn't quite answer the questions we discussed prior to watching it. Would have been interesting to hear your specific views related to those issues.

  2. What an amazing blog post, Magnus! The way you describe this movie... Wow! You apparently enjoyed the movie a lot! I must then comment on your fantastic capability to notice details. I did not notice how Walt's face looked when he saw his grand daughter dressed inappropriately(according to Walt). Amazing, Magnus, Amazing!

  3. I really liked your comparison of the movies. Due to the comparison your post differs from the majority of blog posts. It made it interesting you may say.
